The most useful wordpress plugins

WordPress is among the most popular and customizable platforms for creating websites. Being an open source platform, there are over 55,000 plugins available, which offer many functionalities that you can implement, most of them free in their basic version. Because the number of plugins available is so large, it's very easy to get carried away and install plugins you don't need or outdated plugins, which can lead to compatibility issues or simply slow you down your website.

The number matters

Since wordpress is an open-source platform, anyone can post plugins on the wordpress store. It is important to choose reliable modules, to check the developer's website, to make sure that it is regularly updated and that it is compatible and tested with your current version of wordpress. Normally, as the best practices, a website should not have more than 10-20 plugins depending on the required functionalities. A large number of modules decreases the site's performance, increases the risk of compatibility problems and vulnerabilities, and decreases scalability. The most complicated is at online stores with many functionalities, where I like to make an initial plan, before making the website to ensure compatibility and the necessary functionalities with the fewest plugins used.

What plugins do you need?

Presentation websites

  1. Cache/minify/cdn/lazy load plug-in (1 only) – I usually recommend wprocket but you can use any other module that offers the cache and minify functionalities, this plugin is necessary for any kind of website.
  2. Website Builder (1 single) – Elementor / Divi / WpBakery – Although the standard wordpress block builder has recently received improvements, I still recommend Elementor, especially the pro version, because there are many ready-to-use functionalities. The time you save using element presets seems much more valuable to me than the advantages of the Block builder plus Css and Js. Of course, if you want something very simple, there is no problem in using only the classic wordpress builder.
  3. Plug-in SEO - I'm used to Yoast, but there are several modules that offer you the same functionalities. This plug-in helps you create metas, site-map plus general on-page SEO tips.
  4. Backup Plug-in – Only if you do not receive backup from hosting
  5. Google analytics – Synchronize the website with your analytics account
  6. Plugin newsletter – MailChimp
  7. Translate module – TranslatePress – For websites in several languages

Extra for online stores

  1. Woocommerce
  2. Payment method
  3. Billing plugin
  4. Filtering - After many trials and tests with most of the filters in the wordpress archive, the most practical seems to me to be the WBW product filter
  5. Product search bar - There is also a default wordpress search, but I find FiboSearch 100 times more useful, you can display categories, the attribute of a variable product when searching, you can search by ID, by colors, you can easily modify up to the logic behind ordering the results.
  6. Code Snippets

For specific needs

Depending on the needs there are other useful modules that are worth mentioning

  1. ACF – Useful for websites with complex blogs where several editable sections are needed in the posts template or for templates with highly customizable designs. It is also useful for online stores with many products to create custom taxonomies.
  2. Variation Swatches – Very useful for online stores with variable products, it replaces the basic woocommerce dropdown on the product page with buttons, images or colors.
  3. YayMail – Customize automatic woocommerce emails (order in processing, order shipped, order failed, etc.).
  4. Curcy – Which is also integrated with translatepress, converts prices in several currencies, useful for e-commerce stores with international delivery.


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